Jodines Biography

Welcome to my Poetry Space.

I was a child of rural New Zealand in the 1970’s and moved into West Auckland in my early twenties. I have lived in Australia since 2011 and currently reside in Tasmania.

I have two adult children, four grand children and a Chihuahua named Miss Lucy Lou.

I have a Post Graduate background in Social Work, Social Policy and Mental Health.

I love Creative Writing and have completed several undergraduate papers at Auckland University where I was privileged to be critiqued by legendary poets and writers such as Wystan Curnow, Emily Perkins, Mike Johnson and Lisa Samuels. I am influenced by my favourite writer, Sylvia Plath.

I began writing as a form of therapy in my early twenties, mostly in confessional versicle rhyme, however with age my content and style is less introspective and more open to interpretation. Metaphor’s and metonomy are commonplace.

I began reciting my poetry in the early nineties in Raw Fish Salad, at Java Jive in Ponsonby, Auckland created by Karen Hunter. After a long break, I connected with poets in 2007 from Poetry Live in Auckland Central where I met the esteemed poet Miriam Barr. My first poems are published in Side Stream edited by Miriam .

I hope you enjoy listening to me paint a picture with words as much as I enjoy writing them! Jx

Jodine Derena Butler

48 thoughts on “Jodines Biography

  1. Thank you for the ‘Like’ over at ‘the Hobbomock Chronicles’

    poetry, huh?

    (I am so not (yet) at the level of poetry, at least in terms of attempting to write it. Kinda like, back in the day, when I started playing music. I gravitated towards the music I could convince myself I was capable of replicating.
    Then there was jazz. I was all, ‘I like how that sounds. They’re doing it on purpose. How do they do that!’)

    In all seriousness, I read the poetry (of those in my virtual circles*) I read some of your posts and I was like, ‘How do they do that?!’
    Just as I was starting to begin to get some confidence.


    *now, there’s a concept lol

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Social work and mental health, singing, creative writing, poetry, arts and crafts also? Wow. 👏🏽👏🏽 I always loved creative writing. I once had a dream of writing a novel. Maybe one day I will find the motivation. Ps. You have grandkids?! From your profile pic I thought you were much much younger.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Jodine!! It’s my pleasure to find your space. A lot of nice things on this space. Your introduction is sweet; I am sure just like you. Your poetry also. I’ll come again and again. Don’t stop shining. The light that comes from you is needed. Best wishes for 2016.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Jodine,

    I came across your profile on Star Now, and I must say that I am very impressed with your webpage and your writing style.

    I’m a Brisbane based musician and songwriter who is working on a girl orientated pop/rock band, and I am after a drummer who also has vocal ability. Not sure where you are based in Queensland, but if you’re in Brisbane then I’d be keen to meet up with you and try you out for the band.

    My contact details are and 0437 428 859 if you would like to get in touch! 🙂

    Best wishes,

    Dario Western

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi sweet. I could have sworn I replied to you but can’t see it anywhere…? Look me up on Facebook if you would like to connect there. Lovely to hear from you. Jx


  6. Two poems have now been published in Blackmail Press, issue 28. I Am Sylvia and Rakiura/Stewart Island (dedicated to ‘Squizzy’) Jx


  7. I am fine my friend, still getting to grips with WordPress but I think that this is indeed a fine new home, WLS was that for a number of years but alas where something ends there is a new beginning… It is time to add my own brand of wickedness to WordPress… lol Be well now… Androgoth

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful work! You are a natural talent! Thanks for directing me to this site… Pete B


  9. I enjoy your work so much. You obviously put so much into it! And that on the best day takes a lot of courage and faith. Thanks so much for being present in the world. We need it. Gift poem for you below:

    The Tiniest Flower

    gets my visit today.
    I thank you friend for your

    softly swaying welcome.
    I have come here I must
    admit to be alone.

    Yet here we are proving
    that state of mind to be
    illusion. I believe

    in the very real strength
    of your leaves. To me they
    represent that which is

    more honest than the black
    winds. We have met upon
    this road and so must part.

    I know your fate and you
    know mine. However I
    am now one flower more.

    Darryl Price 2004-2010

    Liked by 2 people

  10. impressive!
    the world is a funny place…. eternity ago i was surfing the web and found some Karen Hunter’s music, and was amazed how good her songs/lyrics were. a bit later i met Jodine and found out how beautiful her poems were.
    should i move to New Zealand?:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I have just made a poetry submission for Like Minds, Like Mine – ReTHiNKing Mental Illness and the Respond-Response Community Art Project currently promoting ‘What’s On You’re Plate’.

    This project aims to explore the concept of Madness. A sample of poetry will be put onto a plate and displayed to the public in an upcoming exhibition promoting mental health. Jx


  12. A collection of poems is about to be published by Blackmail Press… watch this space. Jx


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